
Today, J-Min's song titled 'Stand Up' was released.  It has nothing to do with T-ara but its a song about not giving up no matter how hard it is so I just got the feeling of doing another video for T-ara.

It has been hard for T-ara as well as to us fans but we'll all get through this.  To all the fans who did not give up and stayed with T-ara, specially to those who did not judge blindly or hastily, here's a simple treat for all you lovely fans out there!

J-Min - Stand Up Lyrics
Even if life is hard, don’t give up – the skies will protect you
Even if your footsteps are heavy and you fall down with a groan and sigh
One more time, one more try

Confidently look at the sky, this is only the beginning, widen your shoulders
The same you is inside if you – though it’s hard, don’t give up your future
Stand up and take my hand and have the world

Just as the flower petals fall when time passes, the clouds promise rain
Even if you struggle, the hearts of the skies may change
Don’t worry never mind, just wait for that day

Confidently look at the sky, this is only the beginning, widen your shoulders
The same you is inside if you – though it’s hard, don’t give up your future
Stand up and take my hand and have the world

Stand up and lift your head up oh oh woo
Please don’t be shaken, this is only the beginning, widen your shoulders
The same you is inside if you – though it’s hard, don’t give up again
Stand up and take my hand and get up again yeh yeh

Watch and feel – even if we’re different my friend
You are not alone so stand up again

