
After all much thinking and with the help of the fans, Core Contents Media and T-ara still ended up with the name "QUEEN's" for the name of their fanclub.

On the 5th of May, CCM released a statement saying:

"How are you? This is Core Contents Media.

T-ara's fandom has gone through ups and downs and numerous obstacles, but there is finally a fanclub established for the fandom.

Thank you very much to the fans who gave their interest and patience and cheered for T-ara.

Ahead of T-ara's official fanclub opening ceremony on July 14th, there will be a recruitment for members (paying) to join T-ara's official fanclub, QUEEN'S.

QUEEN's first recruitment will start on May 8th, 2012. After providing account information during recruiting dates, members will get benefits.

More information on the benefits will be published in a bulletin on Tuesday, May 8th when the first day of recruitment begins. Please check it out then.

I'll look forward to it."

Of course you don't need to pay to be a fan, but if you want to enjoy the benefits specially if you live in Korea then it would be worth it. [Instructions on how to join here]

On a side note, did you noticed that it's not the plural form of QUEEN but it is "QUEEN'S" with the apostrophe "S",  which means we are not the Queens but it's kinda saying that we belong to T-ara who are our Queens.  (I wrote the word "Queens" so many times in this paragraph, I hope you got what I mean. ^^)

So I guess that solves the problem with guys having problem with calling themselves Queens, since the right way of saying it is "Queen's".  Although it is still hard to say "I am Queen's", "We are Queen's" or is it not?

written by nearnine@t-araworld
T-araDaum, trans by nathaniel@diadem